Friday, January 21, 2011

Joan's Wallaby Obsession

What is it about little creatures begging for food that makes them irresistible?  The native wallaby clearly falls into this category, and is the only wild creature (apart from one lonely kangaroo) that we have encountered here.  While pausing for a snack along Hazard Beach, and wanting to keep an eye out for snakes (we were warned that the surrounding bush was filled with deadly tiger snakes), I turned around and saw the following fellow gazing at us in a plaintive manner.
More wallabies were hopping through the forest as we made our way back, unconcerned by our presence.

The next morning, after taking my breakfast out to the deck, who should hop up onto the deck but this little creature.

A frenzy of photo snapping ensued; here are some examples.

Author's PS: David disavows any sentimental attachment to these or other wild animals.

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